Monday, February 4, 2008

All that worry and it's just NBD

I will try to convey the great sense of accomplishment I feel from today's work. We overcame fears and moved ahead towards our goal of becoming lifeonaires.

Sounds simple right?...Make a phone call to network in your field. It's a different matter when you are essentially self teaching yourself a skill like Real Estate Investing. Picking up the phone there is this since of overwhelming self-doubt that creeps in. You know what's nice?...having a brother encouraging you to make the calls. We cold called buyers and sellers of properties and rentals in our farm area today. We made a few good contacts, but what we also accomplished was speaking to 2 sellers who we have a decent chance of being able to buy their house.

It can be so unnerving to make that call, but just like 99.9% of everything else in life it's really just NBD....No Big Deal. My mom likes to say NBD alot. It's kind of her answer and response to alot that life throws at her.

What have you been procrastinating on that really is NBD? Do you need some encouragement? Post your comment and maybe Tim or I can give you that extra needed push to start your RE engine up.

Remember NBD.

1 comment: said...

That overwhelming feeling of self doubt... I know it well! I remember my first phone call to a distressed homeowner. I stumbled, fumbled, probably sounded have retarded... but man did it feel great after I hung up! That's the way I look at things to help get me through them... How great it's going to feel after I faced my fear and DID IT!